With the latest Germany technoloy ,the product has the surper-decontamination ability .It can decompose the stubborn dirt rapidly .no need to clean but clean as the new . The product is the extraction of the natural vegetation essence ,green and environmental protection , made after the high tech processing and concentrating ,puffing,and smelting . Its working theory is that ,using active particles stiring dirt molecule , which can increase the surface tension of dirt ,making the adherence departing from the car surface . No phosphate and inorganic alkaline matter .It can dissolve with nature . Super extraction ,easy melting /dissolving ,no harm for the paint’s surface , no harm for hands ,neutral , rich for bubble , powerful dirt carrying strength , easy using , cheap delivery and easy storage . You can use it whenever you want without the consideration of time and season .Never to see the big bull clean liquid , save delivery expense and bothering carrying course . Cleaning cars also can earn money easily . 本品采用德国最新配方,内含漆面增亮活性因子,洗完后的车辆干净晶亮,光彩照人,漆面质感强烈,是一款不伤漆面、不伤手的高档洗车精品,PH值≈7,并具有超强除污能力,对顽固污渍能迅速彻底的分解,无须擦拭即净。纯天然植物提取。本品为纯天然清洗物质经过高科技工艺萃取成型,再通过浓缩膨化造粒磨粉技术精制而成,其工作原理是利用活性物质激活污渍,加大表面张力,,使车体黏附介质脱离车体表面,处于分离状态,从而达到超强除污效果,本品不含磷酸盐以及无机碱性物质等,可完全自然生物降解,超浓缩,溶解快,不伤漆面,不伤手(中性),泡沫丰富稳定,超强去污力,使用方法简单,即节省运费,又利于存放。可一年四季全天候使用。不再大桶大桶的运输洗车液,免去运费以及烦琐的搬运过程,洗车赚钱轻松搞掂。 Instruction : Put it into a little measuring cup and stir with clean water until well mixed ,then put it into bubble machine .adding water full then it is ok for use . 使用方法:先将本品(与水超浓缩配比为1:1400,即一包一泡沫机)用小量杯搅拌均匀,待完全成为溶解液后倒入泡沫机内加满水即可使用。 洗车小贴士: 洗车是最基本的汽车保养,大多数人都认为只要洗干净了就一切OK。其实不然,从洗车护车专业的角度去看,学问非常之大。首先,洗车必须用良好具有一定品质保障的洗车液,而且必须选用正确的洗车方法对车辆进行清洗,最忌讳使用酸、碱性强的洗涤剂类洗车产品,因为洗车是最基本的汽车保养,许多人都认为只要洗干净了就一切OK。经常用它们洗车,车体表面的亮光很快就会被侵蚀掉;洗车员工的手同时也会受到伤害,而且会加速车身橡胶件、轮胎、车窗等等的老化。正确的洗车应采用洗车专用的洗车液,专业洗车液PH值为中性,不会侵蚀车表面,能在洗车的同时给予车体一种滋润保养增亮的功效,即便经常洗车,也不会损伤车漆,反而越洗越亮。因此,最好使用中性洗车产品。长年使用德国铠甲泡王浓缩洗车精洗车,爱车会变得越来越亮……。 为了保护您爱车的健康和勤劳的双手,温馨提示两点鉴别洗车产品的好坏的方法: 1、洗完车后洗手擦干后皮肤没有紧绷感为好,反之为次。 2、用PH试纸进行测试,PH值≈7的为好,反之为次。(PH试纸各大化工器材店均有售 东风日产(中国区)生产基地唯一指定洗车产品!!! |
品牌 | 铠甲 | 型号 | SK-1 |
化学成份 | 活性物 | 容量 | 50(ml) |
保质期 | 1000(天) | 主要适用范围 | 洗车 |
工作方式 | 清洗 | 物质属性 | 浓缩清洗剂 |